“Turned back the clock 10 years, by getting rid of acne, inflammation and stubborn weight”
“Working with Larisa completely transformed my life. Through epigenetics I finally discovered my unique recipe for success. I found out that I am severely sensitive to gluten and through eliminating it I lost 10 lbs, my skin cleared from acne and inflammation, and I have more energy then I’ve ever had. I just turned 41 and everyone thinks I’m at least 10 years younger. I am so grateful for Larisa’s guidance and mentorship. Working with her is the best decision I have ever made.“
Kaylan Wetzel
Business Strategist
You’re at the top of your game at work but your skin, energy levels, and sex-life say otherwise.
What happened to feeling
Captivating… Seductive… Magnetic?
Aging begins to accelerate at 40 but it’s well underway by 35. Your body changes, and you’re left holding the bag.
You start resenting your body (which means you’re in no mood to get naked)
and your confidence takes a hit, along with your waistline.
You’re supposed to be in your prime,
and all you can think about is plastic surgery.
Well, GLOW’rious woman, I’m happy to report that recent scientific breakthroughs have found the holy grail of anti-aging. It’s hidden in your DNA.
The Science of Seducing Time
& Aging in Reverse
Quick science lesson. (Really quick)
Everything we know about aging has changed.
The age on your driver’s licence is irreversible but scientists have figured out how to reverse your biological age – the age of your individual cells. Your cells have markers that either make them “younger” or “older”.
To make your cells younger, we have to decode your DNA – which holds the instruction manual for telling your body to add those youth-markers back onto your cells.
Scientists call this cellular rejuvenation.

“I look so much younger!”
“The genomic report Larisa used helped me lose weight, upgrade my healthy lifestyle, and completely change my beauty regimen. Thanks to her, today I am so much happier with how I look and feel.
I can’t believe I look this good.”
Delia Oprean

“I overcame adult acne, bloating and chronic fatigue after 4 years of struggle and useless expenses.”
“I joined Larisa’s program dealing with adult acne and severe hormonal imbalances I was trying to solve in the last 4 years. I visited almost all dermatologists in Bucharest and tried endless creams. There was no hope left. In just 2 months my skin looked completely different, by changing my diet and adding the right supplements and creams I needed. My energy is up, my glow is ON and I am happier than ever. I spent so much money trying to solve my problem in the wrong way. I was told all these are happening due to hormonal imbalances, but they always treated the symptom and not the cause of the problem.“
Claudia Elena Popescu
HR Manager
Your Most Intimate Beauty Secrets, Revealed
So where do we get this DNA-instruction manual?
A swab of your cheek will tell us everything we need to know.
9,000+ genes are decoded and interpreted, telling us everything from which diets will be most effective for your body to which skincare regimens will produce the best results. We can literally assemble a “Beauty Bible” that’s completely unique to you.
Turns Out the Fountain of Youth is Hidden in your DNA – and It’s The Last Beauty Secret You’ll Ever Need
Good news, Beautiful. 80-90% of your beauty, vitality, and sex-drive can be restored through simple lifestyle changes – but only if you know the precise ones your body’s DNA requires.
- Get your 20-something body back
- Feel hot and desirable
- Amp up your sex drive
- Regain the energy levels you had ten years ago
- Reverse skin damage & signs of aging
- Sleep soundly all night & wake up rested
- Release deeply stored stress
- Restore a natural, youthful glow
- Feel happier and fall in love with life again
There’s so much more to being a woman
than what you do for work.
The #1 concern I hear from women before they become my clients is a lack of time.
- No time to eat well
- No time for healthy movement
- No time for meal planning
- No time for sleeping
- No time for relaxation and fun
- No time for laughing
- No time for sex
- No time for life’s little pleasures
There’s just no time. So what’s taking up all our time?
Getting the next promotion
Landing the next deal
Pleasing the next client
But is that all there is to life?
You’ll never look and feel your best
if you refuse to prioritize you.
I can hand you the keys to
your own personal beauty-kingdom,
all based on your DNA.
- The perfect (simple!) diet to give you explosive energy
- The beauty rituals to make you look ten years younger
- The secrets to getting the best beauty sleep of your life
- The natural supplements to boost your sex-drive
- The style commandments that will make you iconic
But if you won’t put yourself first, nothing will change.
Is this the beginning of growing old
The time turner is in your hands.
GLOW’rious 40 is an invitation to meet your most exquisite self.
- No more feeling invisible.
- No more feeling irrelevant.
- No more hiding.
- No more nasty self-loathing.
- No more wondering when he’ll cheat on you.
- No more guesswork.
- No more confusion.
- No more expensive beauty “cures” that do nothing.
- No more surgery (unless you want one!)
- No more tiredness.
- No more hating what you see in the mirror.
GLOW’rious 40 is where precision medicine
meets precision beauty.
We’ll work together for 12 months to revamp every part of your lifestyle to bring out the most beautiful, vibrant you.
BODYOLOGY is my signature age reversal methodology based on the 6 pillars of timeless beauty.
We decode your DNA. I work with some of the most prestigious doctors and scientists from Switzerland, using their breakthrough DNA sequencing tests to sequence and interpret your DNA.
I create a completely tailored Beauty Bible that is exquisitely suited for you and you alone. This Beauty Bible has six chapters.
Shape | Sleep | Sex | Skin | Smile | Style
I coach you over the course of 12 months to overhaul every component of your lifestyle to turn back the hands of time, so you look and feel ten years younger.
Reverse the signs of aging
with exquisite precision beauty.
(You won’t be able to take your eyes off you.)

I’m a certified sleep specialist with the Spencer Institute. My first big a-ha moment was when I realized women in their late thirties, forties, and fifties retained more and more weight as the quality of their sleep declined. Getting a great night’s sleep has dozens of factors, from diet to hormone imbalances to the quality of stuffing in your mattress. We’ll unravel the internal and external saboteurs that are stealing your beauty rest and restore the quality of your sleep.
The most iconic women have always known how to maintain a gorgeous silhouette. Unfortunately, most do this through starvation, overexercising, or eating fake powders and pills. Stubborn weight, especially in mid-life years, stem from a slowing of your metabolism, changes in your body’s nutritional needs, food sensitivities, and many other factors. Decoding your DNA will give us a prescription for the perfect lifestyle eating plan for your body, as well as the foods you should avoid if you want to minimize weight gain and health risks. We’ll also cover the right types of healthy movement that will have you feeling amazing with the least amount
of effort.

As you regain your energy, vitality, and youthful figure, your sex-drive will naturally rebound. But we also want to make sure your hormones are in perfect harmony. Hormones are like a symphony, and your DNA is like the sheet music. When you can read your “beauty code”, you can play a younger tune. Most women are sitting at the bench blindfolded, just banging away at the keys, looking and feeling older by the day. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ll use food, supplements, and movement to get your sex drive in full swing.
Your skin says it all, doesn’t it? You either look fresh and rested, or you look old and tired. Your DNA will tell us so much about what’s best for your skincare regimen. I will help you identify the very best skincare products to reduce redness, drying, oil, sagging skin, wrinkles, lines, and dullness. I’ll also recommend certain “once in a while” treatments that can restore that supple, bouncy glow to your skin that you haven’t seen since your 20’s. Your skin will also be responding to the added hydration, dietary changes, improved hormone balances, and sleep. In fact, 70% of your glow will come from internal beauty secrets. Only 30% of your skin’s youthful vitality will result from topical measures, like creams and other beauty treatments.

Part of my program is mindset-related. Meditation, positive psychology, and simple, everyday laughter can actually make you younger, according to science. Your genes (made up of DNA) actually respond to joy, pleasure, and relaxation in a very real way. These show up on your face, on the scale, and in the sack. So it’s important that we make sure you’re prioritizing fun, rest, relaxation, relationships, connection, adventure, and play.
Psychology has shown that how you dress has a direct effect on your mood. Is the most enchanting version of you a Sensualist? A Seductress? A Savant? The right wardrobe colors, silhouettes, and styles can positively transform the way you feel about yourself. But most women don’t know that style begins with your skin tone. Certain colors and shapes can make your skin glow. So can certain foundations, jewelry, and hair styles. Together, we’ll reimagine your closet and restyle the way you see yourself. You won’t even recognize the beautiful woman you see in the mirror.

Here’s What You Get
When You Join GLOW’rious 40
A Once-in-a-Lifetime,
One-of-a-Kind Beauty Bible
Made to Measure from your DNA
- A measurement, analysis, and interpretation of your DNA’s instruction-manual for rewriting the way your body expresses age, so you have the simple, straightforward plan for aging backwards
- A private intensive in which we refine your age reversal approach, from beginning to end, and I share my celebrity-secrets for turning back time, personalized
for you
Weekly Live Coaching for an entire year
- Ask Larisa any questions you have, from dietary
Application is everything. Once a week, you will join Larisa and other amazing women in the program for a LIVE Group Coaching call to get help applying what you’ve learned in the program and overcoming any obstacle in your path from dietary recommendations to mindset style savvy to hormone health. - You are also welcome to watch and learn from the coaching that other students receive – and binge watch all the past coaching calls from the entire history of the program (or listen on our private podcast!)
Video Based Health & Beauty Lessons
- Larisa has captured her expertise and guidance in a gorgeous suite of video lessons you can listen to on the go. These will be the primers for your personalized health & beauty recommendations.
12 Health and Beauty Ateliers
- These beauty ateliers (or workshops) are designed to support you in getting results fast. As you implement each of the lessons and incorporate Larisa’s
recommendations one-by-one, you’ll need intimate support along the way. These group experiences are meant to help you navigate the waters of your own beauty transformation, with Larisa’s expert guidance
at every stage.
- Once a week Larisa will answer all your questions and help you simplify and speed-up all your health & beauty decisions via Facebook lives or by responding to your Facebook posts.
Private Podcast
- Going for a walk? Cooking? Working out in the gym? On a road trip? You have immediate access to our Private Podcast Channel where you can listen to all the LIVE Training and Coaching Calls recordings at your leisure.
Private Community
- When you join GLOW’rious 40, you become one of us. We have one of the most positive, supportive, and real communities on the internet, full of other women ready for their transformation while navigating real life challenges. This is where you will get support, advice, celebration, and friendship.
Lifetime access to our app
- Every VIP member gets lifetime access to the BODYOLOGY DNA app for both the genetic data and the Epigenetic Intervention Plan along with their personalised meal guides and workouts.
Your investment
a FRACTION of the value you receive!
Cart closes in
750 USD / month for 12 MONTHS
- Weekly on demand group coaching
- Video Based Health & Beauty Lessons
- 12 Premium Beauty Ateliers
- Weekly #AskThread for 12 months
- Private Community
- Private Podcast for all training & coaching calls recording
950 USD / month for 12 MONTHS
- 200 pages Genetic Report
- Epigenetic Intervention Plan
- Lifetime Access to BODYOLOGY DNA app
- Blueprint Intensive with Larisa (3 hours long)
- Personalised Meal Guides and Workouts
- Weekly on demand Group Coaching
- Video Based Health & Beauty Lessons
- 12 Premium Beauty Ateliers
- Weekly #AskThread for 12 months
- Private Community
- Private Podcast for all training & coaching calls recording
20-something energy.
30-something beauty.
40+ sophistication.
Getting your body in the best, most beautiful shape ever is finally possible – Thanks to your DNA.

Imagine what you’ll be able to do when you finally have the blueprint for how your body was designed…
- Ignore the 40,000 diets on the market. Finally discover the one your body needs to keep you looking slim, youthful and vibrant.
- Never find yourself at the mercy of the $100B+ skincare market again. Discover the products that will give you the results you’ve always wanted.
- Rebalance the symphony of hormones wreaking havoc on your body and gently sway them back into harmony, so you can have hotter sex, more energy, and a vibrant glow.
- Recapture deep, rejuvenating sleep – the kind you need for maximum energy, rested-looking skin, and optimal metabolism
- Smile more. Not just because you’re having hot sex again. But because you’re genuinely happy with the way your body looks and feels.
That’s where we’re going, Beauty.

“I’m beaming with self confidence!
So glad I hired a PRO!”
“Before working with Larisa I was trying all sorts of trendy diets available on the market. It was all so confusing and nothing worked. Larisa simplified everything and helped me end my procrastination.
I’m down 12kg and have energy from morning to night!”
Mioara Bolozan
Executive Manager

“Ditched sugar, gluten and dairy products and revamped my metabolism.”
“I am a busy working entrepreneur and mom and I always manage to sneak into my energy because of everything I’ve learned from Larisa. I trust her so much knowing how dedicated she is to my wellness. I joined GLOW’rious 40 program because it helped me reinforce my good habits and I could give myself the time to achieve the goals that I set for myself, allowing me to flow the mom way. My health is a critical pillar in my life and being in this program helps me a lot.”
Kinia Romanowska
Need to have a heart-t0-heart
(and get a few quick questions answered)?
Book a private, one-on-one call with Larisa.

The GLOW’rious Guarantee
We’ve never had someone go through one of our programs as intended and not completely transform how they look and feel about themselves. If you’re the first, let’s talk.
This program is only for women who are truly, deeply
committed to taking action. It will be so, so worth it. Of course, we cannot guarantee results if you do not follow our guidance and recommendations.

“Got out of depression and lost 20kg in 6 months.”
“I was in the worst shape ever and I was so afraid I’ll always be a ‘chubby mom. Having 2 kids in 3 years followed by a broken leg that forced me to stay for 3 months in bed, put me in a vulnerable position to binge eat all the sweets I could find around. I felt hopeless, frustrated and most of all … guilty. In less than 6 months I lost 20kg/45+ pounds, broke my sugar addiction and completely shifted my mindset about food.“
Andreea Barta
Corporate Manager

“From ‘I’ll start tomorrow’ to ‘Now is the best time”
“I used to postpone every healthy habit from eating better to working out, but Larisa transformed me. Today I’m disciplined, self-confident, and keep the promises I make to myself. Larisa motivated and inspired me to become the best version of myself. ‘Discipline is freedom not punishment’ is one of her favourite quotes that I borrowed and love. Get out of your comfort zone and work with her! You won’t believe your results.“
Doina Stefan
Senior Manager

“I didn’t think I could EVER give up sugar. But I did!”
“Before starting to work with Larisa, the level of tiredness was unbeatable with two kids, one being a toddler. I thought I would never be able to give up sugar and had accepted that being tired would always be normal for me. Then I found Larisa. I am incredulous and amazed that everything she taught me worked so well! She solved my sugar addiction and made me lose 14 kg effortlessly. No suffering, effort, hunger or any other kind of discomfort whatsoever. I’ve found a perseverance I did not know I had.“
Katia D. Vandenbremt
Communication Expert

“Larisa helped me look fabulous in my wedding dress!”
“When I first met Larisa, I was preparing for my wedding while struggling with addictions for pastries and sweets. I had been yo-yo dieting for years. Larisa not only taught me how to manage ‘cheat meals’ without gaining weight. She also taught me how to love eating healthy foods without ever feeling like I was on a diet. Larisa is a warm, supportive person and a real help for women who struggle with nutritional problems and extra weight.“
Alexandra Popa
EU funds Expert

“Larisa is a true clinician in her field”
“A wonderful and gifted Age Reversal Expert always on the front lines of nutrition and health. Her work is focused on a balanced lifestyle, supported by science and research and her personality and enthusiasm for her subject is infectious. She is a pleasure to work with, watch and learn from. I can’t say enough about the admiration I feel for Larisa.“
Elaine Hausman
Video Performance Coach
GLOW’rious 40 not only includes access to
the most prestigious anti-aging science available.
It also requires extensive coaching and customization.
So we’ll have to increase the cost of the program next month.
GLOW’rious 40 will never be this affordable again.
Beauty is not just about the way you look.
It’s about the way you live, and it begins with high self-esteem and high standards. It’s time to stop torturing yourself, as you try to find the answers that will slow the aging process. They’ve already been discovered – by science. And they’re available to you in this program.
Here’s what our clients have to say

“Everything Larisa does is pure GOLD!”
“Larisa will always be a part of my transformation. She is my main source of inspiration and feminine power because she has endless energy and a wonderful personality. She is a true ambitious and hard working professional, dedicated, extremely generous, honest with herself and others, which makes her fearless and stronger than many other women. Larisa has an amazing stamina and sincerity! She is authentic!“
Catalina Neacsu
Life Coach

“Being guided by Larisa in my becoming was one of the best decisions of my life.”
“Before joining GLOW’rious 40 program, I was observing but not taking action. I used to feel a lot of fear and guilt because I was sabotaging myself. I was keeping the promises to others but not the ones made to myself. Today I take small steps and celebrate all the wins … no matter if they are small or big. I finally know how to set firm boundaries and make myself a priority. I also learned to prioritize what’s important to me and live intentionally by being mindful every moment.“
Roxana Craciun
HR Manager
No other anti-aging program on the market will offer you:
The top anti-aging genomic report on the market
A lifestyle plan that addresses every aspect of reverse aging, specific to your DNA sequence
12 months of transformational age reversal support & coaching
A GLOW’rious community full of ambitious, vibrant women who are aging backward
A library of video-trainings sharing all of Larisa’s beauty secrets, acquired from working with celebrities, royalty, and the rich and famous
12 Beauty Ateliers, where you’ll get to apprentice Larisa and ask her all your personal age reversal questions, as you implement every part of the program
One more thing GLOW’rious woman…
If you decide to join this program, I will be so honored in supporting you to transform the things about yourself that bother you and hold you back from living the life you truly deserve.
What’s more important than your confidence, vitality, and health?
There’s no better investment for a woman who’s ready to own her worth,
elevate her style, and shine.
What’s included in GLOW’rious 40?
GLOW’rious 40 is a 12 month total body-beauty transformation, where you’ll work through the 6 facets of age reversal: Shape, Sex, Sleep, Skin, Smile, and Style. We’ll create your individualized beauty regimen for every area of your life, from what you eat, to how you move, to how you sleep, so you literally look and feel ten years younger. This entire plan is based on the use of our Swiss DNA-decoding and interpretation technology.
Who is this program for?
This program is for high-achieving women who look and feel tired in their mid-life years. They’ve had that “mirror moment” where they look in the mirror and don’t recognize their body anymore. They may see extra weight, wrinkles, and sagging skin. They feel drained, have low energy, slower metabolism, and issues with their sleep. They want the energy, skin texture, and sex-drive they had in their 20’s! And they want to look timeless and beautiful without invasive procedures.
Is this program for me, even if I’m in my 30’s, 50’s, 60’s, or 70’s?
This program is amazing for any high-achieving woman who wants to look ten years younger. Since 40 is when the aging process really begins to accelerate, we called the program GLOW’rious 40, but it is not restricted to women in their 40’s.
Will this work for me if I struggle with obesity or mental health issues?
This program is not for women who are dealing with diagnosed mental health issues, severe depression, severe skin issues, or extreme obesity. This program is not a “cure” for any diseases. Its focus is inspiring a healthy lifestyle in all areas of life, so you look and feel younger.
I’m looking at a few programs right now. What makes yours different?
This is the first-ever epigenetic solution to aging and the only one addressed inside a group-coaching program. There are dozens of programs that address the symptom and not the root cause, which lead you to lots of trial and error, wasting time, energy, and money trying to create the transformation you want.
Most importantly, the genetic testing we do is the only testing available that includes EVERYTHING you need to know about your body, skincare, and longevity. Once we receive your report, Larisa will be with you for 12 months to support you every step of the way as you implement your age reversal strategy. This is drastically different from other epigenetic specialists who simply send you a report without offering the full-service support you need to see transformational results.
How much time will it take to implement the program?
A maximum of two hours per week.
Will I have lifetime access to GLOW’rious 40?
You’ll have access to the program materials as long as you’re in the program. Sign up today for 12 months and renew if you still want support thereafter.
Do you offer refunds?
Due to the nature of the program I am unable to take back any or all used or unused course materials and/or coaching sessions so refunds are not available once you buy. The good news is that if you are committed to implement and follow the steps provided, this program works wonders. You’ll be so happy you made the investment in yourself.
What do I do if I need support in deciding if this program is for me?
Book a private call with Larisa to discuss your options. Reserve a spot on her schedule here.
Ready to join GLOW’rious 40?

@2022 Larisa Petrini International All Rights Reserved